
I'm Kaitlin- professional homebody, boy mama, wife, tree hugger, part-time granola.
And completely, and totally cloth diaper obsessed.

Did you even know you could be obsessed with diapers?
I didn't.
If someone told me three years ago that I would be making pages specifically to spare my husband from the incessant cloth diaper talk, and my family from the overabundance of my kids' bum shots...

I'd probably have shook them and asked "BUT WHAT KIND DIAPERS DO I BUY?? WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET THEM??"

Three years ago, I was a pregnant first-time-mom, overwhelmed by all the information out there. I KNEW I wanted to use cloth diapers, but I didn't know a thing about them.
I wish someone had told me how EASY it was.

Seriously, so easy.

And FUN.

I live in small town Minnesota with my hottie husband and three boys - right in the midst of farm country. On any given day, I can be found at home in black leggings and unbrushed hair, chasing the kids around with my (smartphone) camera. I thrive off of sunshine and a steady stream of strong coffee. And a little bit of well-structured chaos.

On the web, you can find me hanging out here on my blog, on Instagram, or Pinterest.