Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5 Simple Green Swaps You Can Make TODAY Toward A More Eco-Friendly Future

We are no where near being a zero-waste household. Though that is total aspirations for me.

For me, reducing your overall waste and consumption goes hand-in-hand with minimalism, and something I have always felt is important to do

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There are so many small swaps that can make a huge impact, whether you plan to fit your yearly waste in a mason jar some day, or not. And BONUS- you'll save a ton of money over time!

The initial investment of reusable products can be daunting.
They do pay themselves off quickly though!

Not only is Earth Day a good time to think about making more eco-friendly choices, with EARTH DAY SALES upon us, it is also the most practical time to make some of those purchases.

Some quick changes you can make in your household:

1. Water Bottles- I kind of find it shocking that disposable water bottles are still so prevalent. It's such an EASY switch to make to reduce so much unnecessary waste. I don't like our tap water, so we use a refrigerated water filter.

The options for reusable water bottles are endless- glass, stainless steel, BPA-free plastic, straws, twist tops, pop tops... the hardest part of making this switch is deciding which one(s) to purchase!

2. Reusable Grocery Bags- We do most of our shopping at Aldi, so switching to reusable bags was an effortless (and, well, practically forced) transition. I use a ton of different sizes and shapes for different groceries. I LOVE them! I have no use for plastic groceries bags in our home beside the occasional trash can liner, so I'm thankful to not have them piling up so fast.

3. Un-Paper Towels- I started using cloth towels (mainly flour sack towels during cooking meals for washing produce, ect...) and realized how easy it was! I didn't even miss paper towels. Plus, not-so-secretly, it makes me feel more like a professional chef. We only keep paper towel on hand for really greasy messes now, but everything else gets the cloth. Unpaper Towels are super convenient (and cute) to have around!

Pssst... Marley's Monsters is running an awesome Earth Day Sale this weekend, so don't miss out on it! I'm not going to!

Learn More About the MightyFix One Simple Change Each Month

4. Reusable Straws- I always liked straws for smoothies. For some reason, the idea of drinking a smoothie without a straw is so odd to me. Plus, straws make easy drinking for my kids and reduce the mess they can make.

I love my silicone straws. We've had them for over a year now and they have worked great! They're super easy to clean, the kids can chew on them and not destroy their teeth, plus my oldest loves picking out what color straw he is going to use.


5. Cloth Tissues- Before Kleenex, there were handkerchiefs. This is one aspect where cloth is far superior, in my opinion. I haven't bought paper tissues in years and years. We don't use hankies, but I love flannel cloth wipes for runny noses! They're soft, effective, easy to wash (with towel laundry), and save so much.

There are so many reusable products you can switch to behind these simple five (menstrual products, cloth diapers (obvs), ziploc replacements...) but I think these 5 are an solid, easy bunch, even for the most wary of households.

I'm super passionate (maybe obsessed) with reusable products. Our grandparents did it, and the Earth was much better off for it. I truly believe we can get back there, with a little- or a lot of- social change.

What's your favorite reusable product?
Have an eye on anything for Earth Day?


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